Dynasty of Domestics
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Meleagris gallopavo domesticus A German breed. The males display by dragging their stiff feathers on the ground whilst grunting, snorting and making an inner reverberation.

Anas platyrhynchos domesticus A living decoy. Bred for centuries to call Mallards into lakes and waterways for hunters.

A traditional Scottish breed. This hardy and adaptable bird can be traced back to the 16th century. Conservation Status: RBST's list of Native Poultry Breeds at Risk

This lovely laced "true bantam" (no full-size counterpart) dates back to the 19th Century. Very popular decorative chicken but difficult to breed. Conservation Status: RBST's list of Native Poultry Breeds at Risk

A rare and true Belgium bantam (no full-sized counterpart). This breed is a tail-less version of the Barbu d'Anvers.

The youngest of the Belgian true bantam breeds debuting in 1997. This is the tail-less version of the Barbu de Watermael.

An extremely rare breed. In the 1880's, it was brought to Scotland by a British Army officer stationed in Burma. Thought to have died out, the breed was revived in the 1970's. Conservation Status: RBST's list of Native Poultry Breeds at Risk